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JT-6DMS Plot Seeder
The JT-6DMS is a trailing gooseneck hitch design featuring six K-Hart 8621, six K-Hart 1704 and 3 Bourgault MRB III openers. This enables three distinct methods of seed and fertilizer placement.
Six K-Hart 8621 single shoot openers on 10-inch row spacing.
Six K-Hart 1704 openers on 10-inch spacing offset 2.5 inches of seed row.
Three Bourgault MRB III openers on 20-inch row spacing aligned with seed mid row.
One Wintersteiger belt cone, GPS plot trip ready.
Large 300 lb front box to meter product to mid row and 300 lb tandem box to meter product to the side band and seed furrow.
Pair of 45 lb Gandy boxes to meter product to seed row.
Trailing gooseneck hitch which enables tight turns between plots.
Forward platform for accessing the front and rear tandem fertilizer box.
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